Get Involved!

Join as an Individual

Want to just stay in the loop? Receive monthly updates and important action alerts by signing up for our mailing list!

Want to get more involved in our work? Become a member of the PSC Community Organizing Group (COG)! The group will meet every third Tuesday of the month to develop and co-create strategies and actions around the implementation of safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation options. No previous experience or knowledge is necessary – this will be a space to both teach and learn. If you want to see more behind the scenes, sign up here.  

If you want to get even more involved, join our Slack! We do the bulk of our outside-meeting work on this online work platform, from strategizing action alerts and public meetings, to creating new data mapping tools and discussing emerging issues and campaigns. No experience of knowledge is necessary, and there is no required or expected time commitment. If the nuts-and-bolts of transportation advocacy interests you, join here.

Your donation to PVD Streets turns dollars in to action, allowing us to deepen our grassroots organizing and making change at the state and local level! Learn more and make a gift here.

Join as an Organizational Member

Organizational members representing a business, school, nonprofit, etc., meet four times per year and dedicate some of their time, energy, and expertise to ensuring voices in their communities are engaged in the process of getting Providence moving on streets built to share. Email Liza if interested in becoming a member.

When called upon, Providence Streets Coalition members will be vocal proponents of rebuilding our roads in ways that improve health equity, the local economy, our neighborhoods’ quality of life, the resilience of our local environment, and the safety of all people using the streets. 

Events Calendar

One of the most effective ways to influence the public process is to attend public hearings, and we encourage everyone passionate about safe, sustainable, equitable transportation alternatives to share their voice, regardless of your level of involvement in PSC! This calendar has meeting dates for public bodies who often make decisions about transportation, public hearings about transportation projects, and our COG meetings, with general info, locations, agendas, and ways to give input for each meeting. If you’d like to subscribe to this calendar and see these events in your own personal calendar, subscribe here.