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City Council to Introduce Green and Complete Streets Ordinance

Tonight at 5:30 on Zoom, City Councilors David Salvatore (Ward 14), Nirva LaFortune (Ward 3), Helen Anthony (Ward 2), John Goncalves (Ward 1), and Pedro Espinal (Ward 10) are introducing a “Green and Complete Streets” amendment to Chapter 23 “Streets, Sidewalks And Public Places” of the Providence Code of Ordinances. Read the proposed legislation here and send us your thoughts and feedback on the language!

As the City’s Great Streets Initiative is finally taking action to transform our streetscapes to address the interconnected crises of public safety and health, affordability, air pollution and stormwater runoff, we applaud this legislation that will ensure the work moves forward so we can provide a safer, healthier, and cleaner city for our children and grandchildren.

Please call, email, or tweet at your City Councilor today and ask them to support this amendment! Don’t know who your Councilor is? Check here.