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Street Stories: Barbara Henry

Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live, who you live with/care for, the school you go to, type of work you do or hope to do. My name is Barbara Henry. I’m 48, and I live in Providence. I live with my 20-year-old son, who has autism. He still goes to school. I have …

POLL: Majority of Providence residents are ready for safer street infrastructure and more mobility choices.

[español abajo] Following up from a phone poll we did in June 2019 to measure Providence residents’ attitudes about traveling in the city, this March we hired EMC Research, a full-service research and data analytics firm, to conduct another poll to see how things may have changed over the past two years. This March, 600 interviews were collected over the …

Street Stories: Bisset Parobek

Street Stories is an interview series with Providence residents about how they move around the our city by local photographer Brittanny Taylor. Would you like to share your story? Get in touch.  Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live, who you live with/care for, the school you go to, type of work you do or hope …

Street Stories: Bean

Street Stories is an interview series with Providence residents about how they move around the our city by local photographer Brittanny Taylor. Would you like to share your story? Get in touch.  Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live, who you live with/care for, the school you go to, type of work you do or hope …

ACTION ALERT: Stand up for Green and Complete Streets on June 7th!

Sign up to testify at the Providence Green & Complete Streets Ordinance Public Hearing Monday, June 7th at 5:30pm on Zoom There will be a public hearing for the Providence Green and Complete Streets Ordinance in the City Council Ordinance Committee on Monday, June 7th at 5:30pm. Please sign up to provide written or verbal testimony! It can be as simple as “My name is ____ and I live at …

Street Stories: Ingrid Veronica Bentsen

Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live, who you live with/care for, the school you go to, type of work you do or hope to do. My name is Ingrid Veronica Bentsen, age 71 plus. I have been a resident of Smith Hill in Providence, RI for nearly fifty years. I don’t live alone, …

Announcing the 2021 Creative and Safe Streets Mini-Grants!

^ above, Community Angels’ Earth Day Community Cleanup on Broad Street, one of the 2021 Mini-Grant recipients The Providence Streets Coalition is proud and excited to be awarding a series of mini-grants to support community-led initiatives designed to promote better street safety, more inclusive transportation options, and creative activation of public spaces in neighborhoods across Providence. “RILA’s Museo del Barrio …

Street Stories: Mel Rainsberger

Street Stories is an interview series with Providence residents about how they move around the our city by local photographer Brittanny Taylor. Would you like to share your story? Get in touch.  Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live. Mel Rainsberger, 39. I live on the East Side near Stock/the Hope street area. I rent an …

Street Stories: Andrea Gonzalez Sanchez

Street Stories is an interview series with Providence residents about how they move around the our city by local photographer Brittanny Taylor. Would you like to share your story? Get in touch.  Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live. Andrea Gonzalez Sanchez. Eighteen years old, Latinx queer woman. I recently moved to EP but have lived …

Street Stories: Wendy Thomas

Street Stories is an interview series with Providence residents about how they move around the our city by local photographer Brittanny Taylor. Would you like to share your story? Get in touch.  Name, age, any personal identities you feel like sharing, neighborhood where you live. I am Wendy Thomas. I am 61, and I’ll be 62 in October. I live at Dean …